Tuesday, November 6, 2012


PLATO ON MUSIC (From The Republic, Odyssey, i. 352)

''...any musical innovation is full of danger to the whole State, and ought to be prohibited …. when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them...''

“Then to sum up: This is the point to which, above all, the attention of our rulers should be directed – that music and gymnastic be preserved in their original form, and no innovation made. They must do their utmost to maintain them intact. And when anyone says that mankind must regard the newest song which the singers have, they will be afraid that he may be praising, not new songs, but a new kind of song; and this ought not to be praised, or conceived to be the meaning of the poet; for any musical innovation is full of danger to the whole State, and ought to be prohibited …. when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them…Then I said our guardians must lay the foundations of their fortress in music?”

“Yes, he said, the lawlessness of which you speak too easily steals in…in the form of amusement; and at first sight it appears harmless … and there is no harm; were it not that little by little this spirit of license, finding a home, imperceptibly penetrates into manners and customs; whence, issuing with greater force, it invades contracts between man and man, and from contracts goes on to laws and constitutions, in utter recklessness, ending at last, Socrates, by an overthrow of all rights, private as well as public.”

“Then, as I was saying, our youth should be trained from the first in a stricter system, for if amusements become lawless, and the youths themselves become lawless, they can never grow up into well-conducted and virtuous citizens.”

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